Work Health & Safety
RCC has a robust and well-established system for ensuring compliance with OHS&R obligations by all personnel.
RCC’s system has been developed to the requirements and guidelines of the following reference documents:
- AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
- Work Health and Safety Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines May 2014
Our company has also been fully accredited by Federal Safety Commission under the Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme. This will allow our company to undertake federal projects for the Australian government.
- Federal Safety Commissioner
RCC is also accredited with the NSW Public Works as addressing the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines May 2014 prepared for the NSW Government by the Construction Agency Coordination Committee.
Quality Assurance
Richard Crookes Constructions utilises its quality assurance system which complies with all the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems. The system is certified by Global Mark as meeting the Quality Management System requirements.
RCC’s PMP has proven to be a highly effective quality management system, which we have continually improved over the past decade. Our management system is accessible to all staff in both hard copy format and through our company intranet. All RCC personnel are notified of the latest changes or updates, and can have input through our process of continual improvement.
The robustness of our management systems, and the discipline in which we implement them on all of our projects, is a key factor in our success on Government projects, whereby this is a major requirement.
Environmental Management
Our environmental management system has been developed to the requirements and guidelines of the AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems.
RCC is committed to continually improve the integration of sustainability into our working environment and business processes. Our aim is to play a proactive role in contributing to achieving sustainability where we have influence in the construction delivery. RCC is a member of the Green Building Council of Australia.
We are committed to the following key objectives:
- Sustainable Construction – use of renewable resources
- Reduced Operational Resources – reduced maintenance
- Sustainable reuse at end of serviceable life.
We will apply the resources and processes necessary to ensure environmental compliance by all parties involved with the project. Specific issues such as stormwater management and siltation control, cleaning of vehicles leaving and entering the site to reduce the cross contamination of seed and soil in the local environment, excavated spoil control, contamination assessment and mitigation, fire and hot works procedures, and noise and vibration awareness will be a particular focus.
The process that will be adopted to ensure compliance with environmental obligations, both statutory, RCC Environmental Management Systems and client specific requirements involves:
- Identification through initial site investigation and sampling
- Analysis and assessment of environmental risks and hazards both on site and the immediate surrounding areas
- Treatment of environmental risks and hazards including implementation of control measures and work methodologies to deal with environmental risks and hazards
- Compliance monitoring and reporting including clear communication and direction
Corporate Social Responsibility
As a local builder, we are dedicated to the success of the communities in which we operate. In addition to running community engagement initiatives through our active project, we also support a number of charities on an ongoing basis.