Making mental health at work a priority for 3,500 people across Australia  

Wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility. 

As a family business, we work hard to create a culture of care and support both on R U OK? Day and beyond. 

Today we facilitated 40+ R U OK? Day events across the nation, connecting with more than 3,500 employees and subcontractors. We know that a strong culture can’t be built in isolation – the one we’re building together encourages us to check-in with our mates, support our colleagues and speak up if needed.  

The sobering reality is that the construction industry has grappled with high rates of mental health issues and double the risk of suicide compared to other industries in Australia.  The workplace is increasingly being recognised as a crucial setting for interventions aimed at preventing and managing mental health issues – this is why we’re so passionate about supporting our employees and their families. 

We were incredibly fortunate to be joined by Darren Higgins, a powerful and talented Fist Nations  speaker and former professional rugby league footballer. Speaking candidly about his past struggles with mental health, Darren reminded us of the importance of banding together and the power of ‘Don’t Give Up – Speak Up.’  

We are dedicated to ensuring our people have access to ongoing support, including:  

  • Wellbeing @ Work program, which is available 365 days a year and has been designed to keep our people across Australia connected.  
  • Employee Assistance Program, a confidential and free support service provided by independent psychologists at <Mend> 
  • Headgear, a free, easy-to-use app that offers a 30-day mental fitness challenge designed to build resilience and wellbeing 
  • U Days twice per year, for the purpose of maintaining work/life balance.  
  • Qualified Mental Health First Aiders 
  • Management training and support 
  • Family and parenting support 
  • Financial planning and advice 
  • My Fitness Passport & RCC Flyers 

Wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility. Let’s take the time to regularly check-in with ourselves, and the people around us to build a safe and supported work environment. 

Emergency support is always available. If you need assistance, please contact:  

  • Lifelife – 13 11 14 
  • Mensline Australia – 1300 78 99 78 
  • Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467